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AI, Policy, and Academic Integrity

AI, Policy, and Academic Integrity Online

This panel will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), institutional policy, and academic integrity. Join us as three MSU educators share their take on the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of AI in academic institutions, and how institutional policies can be developed to ensure that AI is used ethically and in a manner that upholds academic integrity. The panelists will draw on their experiences and expertise in their disciplines to provide insights into this complex and rapidly evolving topic.


Shannon Burton, PhD (she/her)
MSU Ombudsperson

In her role as University Ombudsperson, she seeks to make the office a touchpoint for building trust within the organization by creating a space where individuals can freely discuss their concerns in an environment that adheres to the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Standards of Practice: confidentiality, informality, neutrality and independence. At the center of this, she aspires to:

  • Treat individuals as conscious beings able to actively participate in creating solutions through reflection;
  • Increase capacity for conflict resolution and engage processes that build democracy; and
  • Develop critical thinking skills and create lifelong learners.

Jake Kasper (he/him)
Assistant Director, MSU Office of Student Support & Accountability

Professional with over 13 years in the Higher Education field ranging from Housing, Conflict Resolution to Student Conduct Office and Compliance. Passionate about meeting students where they’re at while utilizing community standards, conflict resolution, restorative justice, behavioral intervention, and motivational interviewing to develop a holistic, safe learning environment for the whole campus. I enjoy working with campus partners, on and off campus, to meet compliance standards and collaborate for the betterment of students.

Linda Nubani, PhD
Assistant Professor in MSU's School of Planning, Design and Construction & Program Coordinator, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Program 

Nubani is an expert in the use of space syntax, virtual reality and visibility graph analysis in neighborhood applications (e.g., motor vehicle theft, burglaries) and building applications (e.g., active shooter prevention in buildings, museum visitors behavior). She has a strong passion in the topic of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Nubani has been an international speaker on this topic and has been working with various communities in the State of Michigan in conducting CPTED-based workshops to address combatting crime through design strategies.


Seth Hunt is a doctoral student in Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University.  He previously earned his M.S. in Water Science at Murray State University and worked as a preceptor with the Interdisciplinary Science Learning Laboratories at the University of Delaware.  His research combines traditional aquatic ecological field work with discipline-based education research.  Seth is studying the factors that influence the movement of dissolved nutrients in rivers while also working to understand how students employ systems thinking skills when reasoning with nutrient cycling models.  He has served as a graduate teaching assistant for both majors and non-majors introductory biology courses as well as upper-level courses for biology majors.


Questions can be submitted by 4/12/23 for panelist consideration

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
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