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Stable Links Workshop (Online) Online
This workshop will take place on ZOOM, and registered attendees will receive an email containing the meeting ID and password. Questions can be emailed to leekrist@msu.edu.
Although many understand the value of sharing online library resources such as e-journal articles, e-book chapters, or streaming media in D2L or other course-related materials, the process for doing so is not intuitive or transparent. To complicate matters, copyright compliance and licensing agreements require the use of appropriate stable links for integration of proprietary content in a course. This Stable Links for Electronic Resources workshop will guide participants through the process of integrating journal articles, e-book chapters, or streaming media into their course(s). Instructions for creating stable links in various platforms will be provided and participants will gain hands-on experience in successfully integrating stable links into D2L and other course-related materials.
Related LibGuide: Stable Links for Electronic Resources by Kristen Lee